NYC Well Update

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  • #4183
    Christine Cione

    Hello Counselors,
    There is an update to NYC Well. As of September 1st, the direct number is no longer operational. NYC Well is only using 988 at this time to contact them. If you receive a call from someone in NYC or the 5 boroughs, and they are requesting NYC Well or NYC referrals, you can warm transfer the caller to the city 988. You can follow the instructions for warm transferring, which is located in the 988 section of the counselor manual. Go the bottom of the section and find “How to do a warm transfer”. This applies to any call that comes in on any hotline where the person needs access to NYC referrals or NYC (all 5 boroughs) Mobile Crisis Unit.

    If a call comes in on Middle Earth, and the person is in the city and needs NYC referrals, please direct them to call 988. (This should not happen all that often).

    Administrative Staff is doing further investigating into this matter. Right now, for our purposes, NYC Well is now the city 988.

    In addition, if a caller on 988 says they were calling for NYC Well, and they are looking for Respite Services (where they can go to a crisis destabilization unit), please direct them to this website for now: The caller can put in a search for Respite which will yield results. If someone is in need of Mobile Crisis Unit, within the city, we will have to warm transfer the person to the city 988.

    Technically if the person has a 212 or 718 area code, they should get to their local 988 directly. If someone has an area code like 516, 631, or 347, etc, then we will need to warm transfer them to 988 in the city.

    If you have questions, please reach out to Christine, Frank, Emma, or Dani.

    Thank you,
    Administrative Staff

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