New Referrals for Reproductive Health

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  • #4984
    Christine Cione

    Hello Counselors and CITs,

    I have added two new referrals to the referrals database.  They are referrals to help callers with reproductive health.   One referral is primarily geared towards abortion. The other referral is for all issues related to reproductive health.

    Please check out:

    AbortionFinder (spelled just like that). You can find this referral under category or keyword “Abortion” or “Pregnancy”.   It is a well-vetted website which provides, among other things, state by state abortion laws, in addition to resources if someone needs an abortion out of state.  There are funds that are set up to assist with travel and lodging, etc. so that an individual can access safe and legal abortion care.   All the information is on that site; we can direct callers there or you can look up the site and see what is there too.

    All-Options (spelled just like that).  This is a national peer-support line for those with concerns related to the spectrum of reproductive health; abortion, pregnancy, post-abortion counseling, parenting, infertility and adoption.  If you search this under agency, you can see all the corresponding categories.  This is not a crisis line but a peer support line, staffed by trained volunteers who have lived experience.

    I think these are two good referrals that are needed, so please read up on them when you have a chance.

    Thank you,


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