Home Forums 2024 Counselor Message Book NEW PHONE NUMBER FOR FOLLOW UP CALLS

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  • #5019
    Christine Cione

    Hi Everyone!

    As discussed in this month’s community meetings, we are implementing a new inbound/outbound phone number on Five9 that will be for Suicide Outreach/Follow Up calls starting on Tuesday October 1st. This is more of an internal change to the system, so there is not much you need to do on your end, except be aware of the addition of this new number.

    What this means for clients:

    When clients receive a follow up or outreach call from one of our counselors, the number that will appear on their caller ID will be 516-634-4475.

    What this means for Counselors:

    The Suicide Follow Up/Outreach line will be automatically added to your skills when you log in on or after October 1st. Note: For those of you who choose your skills when you log in each shift, you will need to add this skill (you already know who you are J).

    When you make an outbound follow up/outreach call, make sure it says Suicide Follow Up/Outreach in the outbound campaign. This will be the new default campaign, so you shouldn’t have to select it, but just in case as everyone’s computer is a little different.

    When offering a suicide follow up/outreach, you will let the client know the number that will be calling them will be 516-634-4475. This number is written in the follow up/outreach forms, so you do not have to remember this number.

    If a client misses a call and calls back that number, the line called on Five9 will say Suicide Follow Up/Outreach so you will know right away the person calling is returning either a follow up or outreach call. This will help you when looking up the client’s history and connecting cards together.

    If you have any issues or run into any problems, please let me know!


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